
Do Great Things with Great Humility!-Dhull Hijjah Reflections VII

ھم کچھ اچھا کرتے ہیں تو پھولے نہ سماتے ھیں

We expect fame, applause or acknowledgement at the very least! And we expect good things to come our way cz hello “karma, right?”

Lesson#1 Look at the attitude of Syyedna Ibrahim a.s and Ismail a.s, they’re making a mosque,and not just an ordinary mosque, the House of Allah swt! The bait ullah!

If I did something good of even the remotest level such as this, I know my inflated sense of self would be thinking:-

!اب تو ھماری سات پشتوں کی جنت پکی

& They’re worried if this good deed will be accepted from them! Subhan Allah! The humility!:))))

Remember whatever taufeeq we have to do something good is from Allah SWT! We weren’t “good” that we “deserved” the taufeeq. It is ONLY BY HIS KARAM that we have the taufeeq! So we are humble for the taufeeq and worried about its acceptance:-

کیونکہ حق تو یہ ہے کہ حق ادا نہیں ھو سکتا

& Yet Ibrahim a.s was thrown into trial after trial!

Lesson#2 We do good and if God forbid something bad happens after that, we think why is this happening when I did so & so? Why is God letting this happen, nauzobillah!

Why is my marriage breaking down when I never had any haram relationship?

Why am I not getting a good job when I was always honest?

Etc etc

Ibrahim a.s was tested severely despite having chosen the right path all his life!

*Tests donot mean Allah doesn’t love you.

*Doing good does not mean you will not be tested.

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